Humanity is extremely passe. Everyone's new year's resolution SHOULD be - Hate more, Love less, Kill more, Care less, Blame others for everything that goes wrong, Claim credits for whatever everyone ELSE does RIGHT, Blatantly discredit Jeremy for everything he says, Vehemently disagree with everything Jeremy says that's got a point and lets not forget to respect TEACHERS...even if they insult you, call you a bastard, idiot, damned fool, etc.
I have to agree with a certain ex-class monitor who said "Not every teacher is a good teacher. There really are some inconsiderate teachers out there". Still, life goes on and we find ourselves having to respect these people who SHOULD be setting an example for us. Yet, I find that these people; teachers, if you may; are setting for us an example by insulting students, hurling snide remarks at students, defaming students, etc.
With that said, HOW can students still RESPECT teachers? Bear in mind people, respect isn't meant to be GIVEN...nor is it just a normal seven letter word either. To be respected is to be held in high regard or esteem by others. So, HOW can we look up to these foul mouthed beasts, monsters?
It is in my opinion that respect should be earned and not demanded. He can demand respect from every student in Sri Tebrau like the over-sized, insolent, incompetent, dumb, expandable, stupid, bloody, afternoon session, damned fool of a retarded Santa Claus replica that HE is. However, I for one, will never respect the likes of HIM. For he has not and he will never earn it.
Other teachers like Madam Gan Ser Kee, Sri Tebrau's soft-spoken and caring ex-counselor, have earned my respect for being tactful. Bobby, the prefect master, is caring and relaxed. Madam Wendy, Senior Assistant of Co-Curriculum, is energetic, laid-back, calm and fun. Ms Sheela, form teacher of 4 Science 1 (2009), is stern, loving, caring and altruistic. All OTHER teachers, in my opinion, are respectable. But, the MOMENT that any ONE of them DEMANDS respect, that is the moment they lose mine.
All the above said teachers have GAINED my respect because they never asked for it, they have enough humanity in them to HELP others yet hardly asking anything in return. It is this attitude of theirs that compels me to contribute as much as I can to repay them for the kindness, care, concern and time that they have given me all this while.
But, there is one teacher in particular who has neither rank nor file, yet he acts like he owns the whole school. Even as I type these words of damnation in MY blog, that teacher(if he were to read) would think that I'm referring to HIM. Please note, I did not say who this megalomaniac is...and I'm not as stupid as he is to divulge his identity here.
My point being, CERTAIN teachers SHOULD learn their place and the term "respect" is a point of view that is meant to be earned through acts of kindness and most soitenly not to be demanded like THAT bungling, bumbling, enlarged, obnoxious, math-failing, weighing scale illiterate, student-brawling, idiot.