I see...

Truth be told, I really don't see. But in the interest of full disclosure, I actually have been through many rough calls all of the nineteen odd years of my life. Exams are over, I'm somewhat free. Now comes the phase wherein I have to ponder, pensively or not, about my future and what I'll be doing the rest of my life.

Unrelated, I have met the most exquisitely beautiful girl. The way she carries herself, the way she walks...everything about her seems to scream of confidence beyond her years. Rather refreshing really especially to one who have been with people who doesn't act their age and are unable to speak the English language even if their lives depended on it. I'll say it once more, her self-esteem always seems to be a breath of fresh air.

Anyhow, I'm off to Genting in a couple of half hours or so. Will update more when I get the chance.

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