In Her Heart...

She sighs,
Listening to the rain.
She had gone through the highs,
But the lows truly held the most pain.

She sips her tea,
Thinking back to when,
She had loved, passionate and free,
But she holds no regrets for what she did then.

She needs no man,
Feeling her own independence inside.
She shapes herself in any way she can,
Without any man by her side.

Little did they know,
That deep down inside her hopeful heart,
She had always longed to be part of a team;
A unit that understood one another, never to part.

She sighs,
Listening to the rain.
She longs for someone who’ll help her to new highs;
Someone, for whom, her pain wasn’t all in vain.


I like how
You said you’ll always be my friend.
I like how
You said that it would never end.

I like how
You said you’ll always care.
I like how
You said you’ll always be there.

I like how
You promised to always love me.
I like how
You said together forever, we’ll always be.

Yet, here I am,
Not a single message,
Nor a call on the phone.

It’s as if you forgot I exist…
How could you leave…
 What did I do wrong…
How do I overcome this grief…

You left, saying things won’t change.
You left, wishing me a happy birthday.
You left, shattered dreams and memories.
You left, nothing more to say.

If you’re reading this,
I hope you’re doing well.
Yes, I know it’s all in the past
And I’ll try my best not to dwell.

But…you said you’ll always be my friend.
You said that it would never end.
You said you’ll always care.
You said you’ll always be there…

Beloved's Belated...

I miss you.
Our long talks at night,
Our long walks in the park,
Your natural radiance in the moon's light.

How you'd adorably tap your brow, deep in thought;
Your ritualistic yawning and stretching every time you awoke;
Your cute fibs about cooking whenever food's storebought;
Your precious pouting when you're broke.

I pray you'll know,
I did not forget.
I just could not find bring myself to write
About a date that's thus sad.

Even a decade on,
After you've gone,
I still can't say we're done
I'm still your Chandler and you'll always be my Mon.

Yes, this is somewhat late,
But I hope you'll accept it anyway.
Though I'm not there to bring you on an actual date,
I wish you a happy birthday.

Ab Imo Pectore...

If you could have any wish come true,
What would you wish?
For glory, fame, and fortune to follow you;
Or for revenge to be served on a dish?

I confess, a single wish just won’t do.
There’s so much to wish for,
And many things to settle too.
Makes me wish that there’re more wishes in store.

Her caring nature puts angels to shame;
Her childishness makes everything a game;
Her fiery temper sets things aflame;
Her melodious voice gives music its name.

Underneath it all,
She wants someone who will be hers,
Someone who catches her when she does fall,
Someone who will accompany her through her fears.

My final wish
Is for her to find all that and more;
To find the person of her dreams;
To be the one that they’ll adore.

Parting Gift...

As the years pass,
There’s little left to say.
As the sun sets on what will be, at last,
The final chapter of the day.

Weeks past have been magical.
Frolicking by the beach,
Watching the sunrise, and breakfasts in bed.
Happiness, it seemed, was never far from our reach.

Now it seems time has come,
He’s here to claim me.
Yes, I know it’s Grim,
But there’s no other option I can see.

Do not shed a tear,
For we won’t be apart.
I’ll leave you my song,
And when you miss me, listen to it with your heart.

Two Souls...

Two souls embraced,
Dancing the night away.
Both so deeply intertwined
That their smiles held all they needed to say.

He wishes for her to know
Just how much he loves her so
And the lengths to which he is willing to go
Just to see her happy, radiant glow.

She sees his love, but fears
That she does not deserve him so
And that if he sees her scars, he will go,
Leaving her with only the company of her tears.

Two souls embraced,
Dancing the night away.
Each, lost in the other's arms
Unto the last light of the day.

A Scene of Beauty...

There she stands, by our window,
Red hair freely flowing;
Eyes, glinting as the sun rises;
Skin so fair and radiantly glowing.

Sunlight playfully dances on her perfect silhouette,
Casting her in vivid beauty forevermore;
Immortalised in memory from this point
Onto the days of yore.

Hugging her from behind,
Our embrace felt so warm, so tight.
She turns to kiss my neck
And lets me know that everything will be alright.

It's been a long road to get to you, my dear,
With many a tumble and fall.
Yet, being here with you now,
Seeing your beautiful smile, I'm glad I went through it all.

Forgive me if I remember every freckle,
every line, and every detail
For I'll be telling this story with a chuckle
To our dearest children, Voltaire and Abigail.

Winds of Change...

Winds, they are changing;
The time has come
For the salvation
Of this beloved land called home.

History, they say,
Repeats itself every day;
In every form and every way;
And we can’t stop it, come what May.

Gather your men and we shall march.
For our independence, we shall charge!
From a colony to an independent nation,
From tyranny to a voting station.

That which wasn’t clean nor fair before
Shall be repudiated to the core.
So it went in days of yore,
So it goes in folklore.

How one side held on for far too long
And in its grasp, the people suffered.
Then people united, proud and strong,
Against an entity, and peace was offered.

Allow me now this question;
When reading that story,
What did you think it was about?
If you’re thinking of this election, I’m sorry.

I merely wrote about how
A country gained its independence.
From unfairness and segregation to penance;
Onto the iconic MERDEKA that we know now.

Back then as it is now, one power held on too long.
Perhaps, it’s time for a different song.
One that rings as hallowed as MERDEKA or UBAH.
Even along the lines of INI KALILAH.

I remember a time
When people fought together and not each other
When unity wasn’t about one’s race, religion or colour.
When freedom and love for country was in every rhyme.

Winds, they are changing;
The time has come;
The drums are beating;
For this beloved land called home.


Words heard before,
Brought sadness to my very core.
Now heard once more,
From a girl I thus adore.

There we sat on a cool sandy shore
Talking as the sunset turned to sunrise
Too engrossed were we to realise
That we’d covered every story from days of yore.

You can still run for the hills, I said.
Down in the sand and on her back, she laid.
I could say the same to you.
She laughed and I realised it was true.

We now knew every detail about one another.
The good and the bad.
I am still here holding your hand
So, embrace the moment and be glad.

Mayhaps if we met earlier,
I’d be willing to trust her.
Mayhaps if I wasn’t broken either,
I’d make her happier.

I heard those words before,
She left and brought sadness to my core.
Now said once more,
From an angel I adore.

If Only Time Would Cease...

If only time would cease.
I’d have time to adore
Every freckle, line, and crease
Every detail and more.

If only time would cease.
I’d have time to say
How every line, freckle, and crease
Has brightened my day.

If only time would cease.
I’d have time for you
For everything you’d want to do,
For staring into your eyes so blue.

If only time would cease.
Then I wouldn’t feel the aches in my knees
From kneeling by your side,
Arranging these lilies.
If only time would cease...