a day in the life of me...

A day in my life could be summarized as hectic, chaotic, infuriating, atrocious, monotonous and filled to the brim with hundreds of people who do not appreciate me; to a certain degree, that is. Take today for example, it all started at the front gate when Mr Bobz requested that I round up all prefects for a meeting in our school's hall. What did I get in the end of it was a strained calf (I don't mean the young of cow) and in the end, the only good outcome was that it opened up opportunity for me to get straight to taking pictures of some cool volleyball action.

Anyhow, lets not make this post all about my playing truant, but rather, a recap of what happened in school today. First up, got my name written down by a prefect for being half a minute late...I swear, they are getting more efficient each passing day. then, as you may know, I got picked to rouse up the lot of prefects. Third, I was updated on a list of project(s) by the relevant teachers and most of them have the same deadlines i.e. 20th of March 2009. That's about all I guess, but, that is about all that I can think of at this point in time. If I missed anything out, I hope you'll surely pardon.

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