
It's officially Monday again...I receive a sms from an inconsiderate ingrate. The time at which the sms was sent will make anyones blood boil. She had the gall to send me a message at 11 PM, asking demanding me to give her all the photos I have of our school's event...who will be awake at a god forsaken time like that, I ASK YOU!!

Lets get back to the original point of me updating my blog at this god forsaken time. Yesterday was the drama competition...some of us were superb, while others were...well, lets just leave it at that. I've somehow got a feeling that I'm actually missing something, something important...OH, we clinched second place!!

Thats about all that I can blog with my mind's current capacity...imagine being awoken by an sms at 11PM! I'm sure you'd be grumpy too, not to mention groggy and unable to think properly let alone construct a grammatically correct sentence...*gotta remind myself not to end my blog entries so abruptly next time*

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