not my week...

Wednesday's here, I'm already dreading the rest of this week and the irony of which is - this week isn't even four fifths over.

Let's take a stroll back through time...back to the 31st of July - Friday. Right after song dedications were adjourned to a later point, somewhere this week, I felt a hint of that unending dryness one might feel when faced with an impending and inevitable sore throat on the rise. What made it worse was that I had overestimated my vocal abilities during RP practice that very day and, hence incurred the wrath of a full-fledged sore throat. By Monday, it was rearing its ugly head.

Heck, I'll be the first to admit that I've done silly things in the past, but none could compare to playing football during Monday PE lessons with a burning sore throat to boot! OH! Here's a little side note for you, along with my sore throat, my arsenal and repertoire of ailments don't end there. I also have(still am) muscle aches, dizziness, lethargy, fever(although a little subsided now), spontaneous nausea attacks and did I mention that I also have a raging sore throat? The only thing differentiating me from a pregnant woman is that I don't have sudden cravings for chilly crabs or parfaits.

Basically, Monday was the worst...Tuesday and today weren't too bad maybe 'cept for the occasional coughing out of a lung, wheezing of an old geezer and flaring of temper from the same old man who coughed out a lung, wheezing and to top it off, forgot to take his meds that morning.

Do forgive my incessant ranting on about my poor health...can't hold a grudge against a dying man of age 61 now can you? Gee, there's gonna be PE lesson tomorrow and they'll be playing, where did I put my walking stick...

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