
What can I say that hasn't been said before?
What can I do that hasn't yet been done?
What can I write that nobody will find a bore?
How can I prove that my love for you shines like the sun?

Perhaps I've never shown you enough care.
Perhaps I've never shown you enough appreciation.
Perhaps I was nowhere when you needed me there.
Please, give me a chance to redeem myself from this perdition.

Because of three words,
Because I believe you feel it too,
Because of how we braved swords,
I love you.

I know you're scared,
I know you're not ready to trust again,
I know you're tired,
But, one thing I know, my love for you will never wane.

So, take your time.
And as much of it as you need.
But when you're ready, give me a sign.
So that we can ride into endless sunsets on a white steed.

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