Can You Share a Plate With Me?

Sweet winter morn, adorned with a slight drizzle of rain.
How can that be sweet at all, one may ask.
Well, cause it was then that I met her and felt all my pain
Dissolve into nothingness as in her beautiful glow I did bask.

From across the cafe, chimed three bells as she waltzed in.
Shivering from the cold and checks blushing red;
It was then that I felt time stop and my thoughts...oh how full of sin.
But more than that, more than lust, I felt a yearning that to me, she be wed.

For she is the very embodiment of beauty, charm, elegance and grace.
With hair so smooth and brown,
Eyes that can cut through a man's soul, auburn, on such a perfect face,
And slender chin supporting luscious lips that hardly could frown.

So I made my way to the counter as she pondered her order.
I tried to predict what her call might be.
She seemed stuck so I gave the waiter my order.
Then she turned and asked "can you share a plate with me?"

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